
Back On The Bus!

Jun 15, 20100 CommentsIreland, LA Living, Music, Randumb Book

Like most wagons, if you happen to fall off the blogaruu bus for too long, it can be tough to get back on. Bucket loads going on yet nothing being posted. Bad form, to be true. In my defence, a lot of country swapping, touring, whuring and jigging has been going on. In your defence, you don’t care what my excuses are. I’ll just write up a big long blogaruu once this last bit of jet lag and birthday booze has been banished from my system.

Until then, this feeble attempt will have to do. Time to paint some words. Bits from my whuring. Whured well. Lots of print and radio. TV to come. Need to get some of the bigger articles if I can. First one is a phone interview I did for a magazine (parts are actually fabricated out of the fat air but overall, compared to some other stuff made up, not too bad). Second piece is one of the first book reviews. Might set up a new book club as well. Folk are sending me photos with my muck! Send your photos in! Worm on. Giddy up. Anyways, not much, but something. Finally, I hope… Back on the bus!

Once You Go – Play Paul

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