
Boom Boom Boom…

Sep 11, 20125 CommentsHollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Stand-Up, Writing

I Want To Know What Love Is – Foreigner

Let me hear you say WeHo, WeHo! Mighty Monday was had today. Why oh why, do you say? Well, let me stop speaking in rhyming riddles and calm down a second.




I’ve been going through a bit of a power ballad phase, in case you were wondering. Some way to wake up in the morn, nothing beats a good fist clencher. Also going through a bit of a writing phase. Sit. Com. On. Working hard on writing a thingamajig called a Show Bible (known as a business plan in the real world). Everything needed to lay out what would be in the sitcom so it’s not just in my head and is actually on paper so others can read and see what the sweet Jesus it is that I’m gibbering on about to them without having to read my books. You know, simplify and lay it all out when it comes time to shoot and all that. Soon. Oh. Betsy.

Anyway, today I finished outlining episodes from my first book. Some day. 18 episodes. In some countries, that’s three seasons. In others, one or two. Any which way. Happy day! Went for a bit of lunch once the fine work was finished. Headed up to Bristol Farms with a fine accomplice who was helping along as story supervisor. Strolling around the store. Story supervisor sees someone I am a fan of out of the corner of her mighty eye. Jeff Garlin, who plays Larry David’s manager in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Also executive producer. Story supervisor tells me to go say hello. Go. Now. Do it!

Huge fan of Curb, so off I go. See him at the counter paying for food. Don’t want to be a weirdo and approach him there – I know! I’ll go outside and pretend to be on the phone until he leaves. Not weird at all. Great plan! Out. Door. Phone. Ear. Fake. Call. On.

‘How’s it going Dan Miguel? Oh, that’s great – Say which?’

Around now I see Mr. Garlin strolling out the front door of the store.

‘Sorry Dan, gotta go, I’ll fake call you back in a minute!’

How’s it going, just want to say you are mighty in Curb… And on we waffle. Sound man. Gibbering back and forth. Knew the Irish accent. Performed stand-up in Cork before. Big fan of the place. Asked what I was up to. Going on about my show idea. Fan of the story. Fan of the plan. Looking forward to seeing it. Maybe we’d see each other in the Comedy Store soon. Short. Sweet. Sound.

All in all, pretty innocuous. You know what though, also pre-tty cool. Talking to this guy I admire about my show I’m working on, funking savage! Not that it means anything, but still, it was a good hoot. Although he did get very excited about my show idea. A bit too much. Eventually I had to tell him ‘I think you need to curb your…’ No I did not. Anyway, here’s one of my favourite albums ever -> Power Ballads: The Greatest Driving Anthems In The World… Ever! Good duck, aduu.

Here I Go Again – Whitesnake

To With You – Mr. Big

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  1. Carnspindle
    13 years ago - Reply

    Wuu huu! Exciting times coming right up! Giddy up!!

  2. Carnspindle's Poetry Corner
    13 years ago - Reply

    Wuu huu! Exciting times coming right up! Giddy up!!

    • trickaduu
      13 years ago - Reply

      Get up them steps!

  3. Andrew
    13 years ago - Reply

    Sounds cool! Fair play for approaching him anyway, and for the choice of music. Sometimes you can forget how good 80s power ballads really are! Shame they don’t make them like that anymore!!!!

    • trickaduu
      13 years ago - Reply

      I know, fist clenchers are sorely missed!

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