Category: Music
The Power Of Now
I was close enough to not doing any blogaruu tonight. Luckily for you (!) I had a change of mindset, and pulled one out of the bag! I’ll try to keep it brief. I had intended on taking a break, what with not much going on and didn’t want to ramble on about drivel. However,READ MORE
Random Guilt
Something I never understand is the issue of feeling guilty, when you haven’t done anything wrong. Completely stupid stuff, such as… if your buddies ask you to head out boozing. You initially give a maybe, 50/50 answer. In all honesty you are leaning more towards no. Then, in a moment of weakness, you commit aREAD MORE
Self Help
I’ll start with an idea which I had this morning. I think, that, like the way restaurants have the Michelin star rating, and hotels also have a star rating, surely, surely hairdressers/salons should have something similar. Some kind of rating system, to help out the poor, defenseless customer. Then, apes will not be fooled intoREAD MORE
It has been a week of numbers. Hit and miss. A fruitless week might be another good way to describe it. Well, maybe a few nuggets of productivity, scattered amongst a field of frustration and stop-starts. However, it was Tuesday that started my decline, from which I never fully recovered. Literally I had a fairlyREAD MORE
Bob Dole!!!
Wuu huu! I am on the dole!!! Happy, happy days! Not literally. Unfortunately. Especially as any money is good money. Figuratively, however, I am on the Bob Dole. Which is great news. Finally, finally, my simple mind has gotten it’s head around the whole patience issue. About funking time. Earlier today, I was talking toREAD MORE
Reality Cheque
Over the weekend, I realized it was time to take stock. Regather, regroup and all that. For some reason I left myself take a battering mentally last week. I am still not entirely sure why I let myself run around my own head so much. Perhaps it is to do with the fact that IREAD MORE
Water Works
All in all, it has been a tough week. And I don’t mean tough as in I have been down a coal mine for the week, slaving away, hard labour. Tough, in the mental way. Looking to my corner, wondering should I wave for the towel to be thrown in, kind of thing. Luckily, inREAD MORE
Treat ‘Em Mean!
I have two ways to describe my morning so far. One is to say I am just, just over an hour early for the train to Dublin. The other route would be to say I literally missed the original train I planned to get by 5 seconds. Not even, really, I managed to get throughREAD MORE