Category: Writing
Freddie Cougars
Newport is a strange enough place. Throw in a crutch and an accent, and it gets even stranger. Full to the brim with Freddie Cougars. Back down there the other day for a DJ gig. Had an hour to kill beforehand. Went to get something to eat. Walking to the restaurant. More hop-along with the crutch. AREAD MORE
Connie & The Connor
After a mighty night on Friday, I woke up early-ish Saturday to play a DJ gig with my buddy. Slowly opening my eyes expecting to see the gin monkey lurking. However, oddly, nowhere to be seen. As in nowhere whatsoever. In fact, I was dancing. Normal hangover. Tired. Flash points of incidents coming back throughoutREAD MORE
My Baboon And His Balloon
Harking back to school days, I must admit I was a fan of the odd sick day now and again (I’m also a fan of the fact I opened with a hark). Who wasn’t a fan of sick days in school though. Two were even better. If you were sick for three, then you mightREAD MORE
Toe-Knee! Tow-Me! Eh… Tony!
Apparently, the average Josephine Soap is more likely to come running to your aid if you shout out ‘Fire, fire!’ as opposed to ‘Help, yelp!’. Apparently. As long as you don’t make it sound like you’re daring your mugger with a gun to shoot. In which case you might be screwed. Another similar sounding wordREAD MORE
Mandatory Man Dates
Loose ends. Tie them in. Previous blogaruu in two. Clever thing would probably be to delay this but plough on! Quantity all the way! Gemini. Exit route. As I was saying, it is good to know that with people who are into their star-signs here, being a Gemini is a way out for any ofREAD MORE
Great Intentions!
Don’t you just love the days when you wake up bright as a button, get up out of… nay, bound out of bed with a spring, hitting the ground running. Breakfast. Protein. Coffee. Straight into work. Racing through your daily objectives! Chapters flying out of your ears. Even when life and it’s duties try to annoyREAD MORE
Cleaned Out
Nine times out of ten, I seem to get on well with Mexican people. Pretty sure this is down to my knowledge and enthusiasm for Jorge Campos. Great goalkeeper. Even better name. Yor. Gee. Yoooor. Geeeee. Nine times out of ten, this makes an instant connection. Breaks through the barrier of a lack of Spanish/EnglishREAD MORE
Simply Don’t. Probably Wont.
Over the past few days I have realised that there is a bucket load of things I don’t quite understand. And probably wont. Ever. Perhaps better off not. Such as, wearing jeans in the gym. Not to the gym. But actually in the gym. Working out. On a thread mill. Going all out. Hell forREAD MORE
Thanks For The… Fruit?
Technically, today is Thanksgiving. Still the eve or the night before really as I still haven’t slept, but technically, it is Thanksgiving. On another technical note, it is also Thursday. Still feels like a Wednesday, but technically Thursday. Try as I might, all tomorrow will be for me, is Thursday. That I have a feelingREAD MORE
Clean Up That Mess
Earlier today I saw a good enough quote. Something like… “Being happy is a habit. Unfortunately so is being sad. Choose one.” Something like that. So good that I can’t even remember it fully. I remember the gist. Which got me thinking. About what it is I have been choosing lately. Not between happy orREAD MORE