
Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Aug 30, 20102 CommentsEnough Talk, Enough Talk More Music!!!, LA Living, More Music!!!, Music

Mighty weekend of DJigging. Go on the rent! 16 hours of jigging later. Pre-tty musique’d out. Only one thing to do… Write an old music blogaruu! Obviously. Buckets of blogaruus piling up. Time to churn. Splatter on. Mighty night last night, music wise at least. People exclaiming. Gushing throughout… ‘This is the greatest music night of my life!!!’ Thank you. If only the songs were actually mine… Re de de. Although one guy did complain. He who came from the land Down Under. Thought we shared a bond. As I come from the land called Ireland? Strong bond. Told me my music was very white. Too white. Odd. Seeing as he was white. And I was playing a Jay-Z song at the time. Well done. And then he asked for Lady Gaga. Always one. Back to none of the music being mine… Wrote a poem the other night. High on candle wax. (Bought a candle. Not sure why again. Seems to be laced with something). So, high on my candle wax wings, this came along…

Float. On!
I am a fish. You are the gills.
Without or without...
Doesn't really matter?
The End.

Ehh… Go on the candle wax wings! Oh Jesus. Anyways, enough talk, more music!

1. Go To Sleep – Lupe Fiasco

Random Useless Fact: Apparently El Lupe’s new album is in ‘production hell’. Apparently + Fact = Completely Useless. Wuu!

2. Boy (RAC Mix) – Ra Ra Riot

R.U.F: Frontman Wes Miles is also one half  of the mutant-R&B band Discovery.

3. Youth Explosion – People Under The Stairs

R.U.F: Band have been described as ‘underground hip hop a white boy can get down to…’ Exactly what I’ve been missing in my life, I do believe.

4. Big Jet Plane – Angus and Julia Stone

R.U.F: Bruder and sister duo have recorded songs in random enough spots such as a water tank in Coolangatta and an old sawmill on the river banks of Fowey. Which is in Cornwall. Obviously.

5. Chasing The Broken Hearted – Phil RetroSpector

R.U.F: This song can make people cry. Happened last night. The video is well worth watching actually…

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  1. megan
    15 years ago - Reply

    that’s my favorite Angus & Julia song! so good

    • trickaduu
      15 years ago - Reply

      Like a swordfish sandwich, it too is savage!

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