
I Could Do That

Aug 03, 20093 CommentsMusic, Random Ramblings

Oddly, I’m not really a fan of weekends as much as I used to be. I don’t really get the whole buzz about long weekends either. Particularly when it is raining the entire time. Maybe it is because I don’t toil away at a 9 to 5 job. While everyone else seemed to be freaking out what to do this long weekend – what are your plans, you must have plans, its the long weekend, you need a plan – it just kind of annoyed me a bit that it was one. In fact, I more or less live for the week these days. The reason being, is that when you are waiting to hear back about certain areas, or waiting for certain applications to go through, the weekend just pauses things even further while people are not at work. Prolong the time period and increases the state of limbo. Patience is something which I struggle to deal with still.

Seeing as so many people returned to magnificent Cork for the long weekend, a couple nights out were involved. Have to make the most of the long weekend and all that. So, not only was I not making progress hearing back from people about different things, I also did not make as much progress myself with writing as I would’ve liked. Dumb enough really. Very dumb in fact.

However, I did utilize good chunks of the weekend studying numerous sitcoms and movies. I need to get a better grasp on structures, and scene lengths, from the best sitcoms. Fawlty Towers, Seinfeld, The Office, 30 Rock and Curb Your Enthusiasm have been studied in depth for most of the weekend. One good thing about watching them with a slight hangover, is that if they can still make me laugh when I am that tired and drained, I know which parts stand out. I had forgotten as well how hilarious Superbad and The Big Lebowski are.

Seinfeld is still the cream of the crop for me, sitcom-wise. The way they can somehow weave and link so many random story lines together in half an hour is brilliant. None of the others since then really do it as well. Curb obviously is similar, but it does have the longer format, and more or less is following only one character. Anyways, in that regards, it has been a worthwhile weekend. Any time spent with Larry David is quality time.

When I just told someone, what I did for most of the weekend, I got a reaction I had forgotten about, but should’ve expected… “Thats all you did? What a waste of a long weekend” Yeah, what a waste. Then, the usual line “I could do that, thats not hard to do, anyone could do that, I am going to do that, I’ve been thinking about writing a book as well actually”. Good work, I have no doubt that you could do it. Please go and do it.

More so than the writing side of things, I notice this all the time when out DJ’ing in Cork. People who might have liked to DJ perhaps, come up to me highly disgruntled and like to say “You’re DJ’ing? Anyone could do that, that looks easy. I could do that shur.” I know you could. It is not rocket science. Instead of telling me how easy it all is though, just funk off and do it. Same goes for stand-up… “I think I should be doing that instead of you really. I’d be great at that. I’ve some great jokes. I could do that actually” Ha, please go do it so, I am not actually holding you back.

At least last night, a conversation in a similar vein with a randomer reminded me of something. Asking me was I going back to L.A to try acting again, how was it going and all that. Then, for some reason he got disgruntled, and descended into the whole “I could do that” spiel. I don’t think people actually even listen to the words they are saying when they like to tell me this unbelievable bit of insight. Most people can do almost anything if they wanted to, or at least try to do it. Isn’t that just amazing profound information to figure out! I never knew.

Anyways, as I left him staring into the bottomless pit of his pint glass, it did make me think of something. That is, I need to start getting into the acting side of things more. Now that I have some sort of training and all! Start going to a few auditions or the likes while I am back in Ireland. For practice if nothing else. I should do that really this week. Seeing as you need a plan for the short week. Plan on! And, as I am writing this gibberish, I just got an email about a meeting for Wednesday to get the ball rolling. Isn’t it amazing what one can do when you just shut up and do something about it!!!

A nice rambling, meandering blogaruu really. The effects of a long weekend, bring back the weekdays. This new song is fairly class, cool video too, 80′s vibe all the way!

Hurts – Wonderful Life


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  1. Mr C.
    16 years ago - Reply

    Get writing some proper posts man, I could have written that one

  2. Divya
    16 years ago - Reply

    Hey.. It’s the random reader from India again. The publicity and advertising head of this blog in India (/ I!!) wants to put up one of the posts on this blog in my campus newsletter! Actually we’re looking for a blog post with light humour and your blog just fits perfectly. So if there’s no copyright issue please please let me know asap.

    PS: I didn’t know how else to contact you. WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • trickaduu
      16 years ago - Reply

      India! Sounds like it’ll be cool with me, if you like you can message me and let me know the details. I presume I’ll get a few Bollywood offers out of it!

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