
Oh! Or. Gee?

Feb 05, 20100 CommentsLA Living, Music, Writing

To be true, as of late, things, have been, quiet. Event wise. On the blog. A lot of rambling. Buckets of sludge. Dished out from my marsh. Struggles. Wading. Writing. Blog wise. Quiet. Life wise. Quite. Literally. Quiet. Having moved into my new apartment over the weekend, I was greeted by something strange. A chasm of silence. I mean the quietest place I’ve lived in in ages. Deafening. Silence in the building. Screaming out at me. Silent shouts. No longer talking to myself. Instead whispering. Having to go outside to listen for traffic or the likes. Anything. Even the street was silent. Feeling I had to whisper while on the phone. Seriously. Ridiculously. Quiet.


Silence in the apartment. Even worse. Roommate works a 9 -5 job. Up early. Just moved in. Still getting a feel for the place. Still tip-toeing around. Polite. Ease into it. Tip-toeing on broken toes is never fun. Not sure if the T.V is too loud. I wonder if the kettle boiling makes a lot of noise. Jesus, sounds like a fog horn. No tea or coffee for me. Maybe an iced one. How about the toaster? Way too loud. Sweet Lord. Normal slice of bread it shall be. Don’t want to make noise pulling out the chair at the table. Loud enough earlier during the day when I did it. I’ll just stand. In the middle of the kitchen. Enjoying my slice of bread. And cold cup of tea. Stand. And listen. To the silence.

Hearing something. Breathing. Loud. Too loud. Clocks. Ticking. Amplified. Tocking it out. Voices in my head getting self conscious. No longer screaming at me. Eerily whispering instead. Far worse. You always have to worry about the quieter type of nuts. In your head. Always the quieter ones who do the damage. Quiet. So quiet. Freaking me out. Maybe should’ve moved somewhere else. Somewhere not as quiet. What was I thinking?! I miss the suicidal neighbour I had last week. I miss her depressed crying cat even more. Plus the couple who broke up. Then made up. On a daily basis. I miss their various screaming. What had I done? Stupid.

Get. Freak. Out. 

Needed to talk to my roommate. Can’t handle living in quietness. Need to be able to make noise. Roommate came home from work. I just burst into it. Rambled out all the marsh thoughts. Issues. Gripes. Concerns. Informed me. Hadn’t been in the apartment for two days. Nobody around when I was tiptoeing around the kitchen the night before. Or the night and day before that. Home alone. Oh right. Good work. Quite. The. Ape. At least now I realise. My new place is tres good. Almost have it to myself. Quietness is good. No-one can hear me. Just a quiet street. Doesn’t mean the street above and below have changed. Not now living the quiet life. Just living in my head still. Need to giddy back up out of it. Get back to life. Giddy on.

Last night. Hollywood. Here I come. DJ’igging. Proper club. Ecco. Savage sound system. Good gig for the C.V. Good place for people to plough drink into you. Good place to realise I’ve been in hibernation for too long. Out. And. Aboot. Booze. On. Coincidentally. Coinciding. With. The return. Of. The Man. Tomorrow. Back in town for a week. Time to go have some fun. Starting off with the pub now. And an interview with an Irish radio station afterwards. Which should be more fun. After the pub. Gibber on!

Ye Three? And Me? Or No Me?

Although, I’m definitely still not fully out of my head. Not if I believe the flashback I just got from last night. Having to decline an offer. Which I think technically was an offer for a… Well, if there’s more than three involved, is that then just called a foursome? Maybe just a foursome. Or. An. Oh. Or. Gee? And I think I was being used to get to a girl. Other two girls would’ve probably preferred it to have just been a threesome. With a certain ape probably asked to go wait in the hall outside. Almost used. Almost abused. Surprisingly, no sign of Orgy Joe. Or Cat Woman. Either way, had to be declined. Numerous reasons. At least those offers are still coming in. Quiet life off. L.A on!

Go Do – Jonsi

Madder Red – Yeasayer

Heartbeats – Grum

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