
Tags: Acting

Oh Betsy…

Jan 03, 2011Acting, Art, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Stand-Up, Writing6 Comments

Everything Is Everything – Lauryn Hill Rattled, to say the least. New Year’s. Cat allergies. Ape man flu type thing which keeps rearing it’s horrendous head. Not feeling the May West. Betsy. Brain is working at 10%, at most. Now would be a great time to mock me. Probably have a comeback thought of by

Shooting Up

Apr 16, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings4 Comments

Big day yesterday. Avoiding this day for over a year. Not sure why. Well, I am. Not a fan of photos. In the slightest. Taking a camera. Aiming it at my head. Pressing the trigger. Not a fan. Churning out a smile part. Smile… Cheese! Did it work? No, smile again… cheese!  Sorry, flash didn’t

Speak? Easy… Hubulla!

Mar 24, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

I wonder. And I ponder. A lot. And a fair bit. This. That. Gibber. Even more wondering and pondering shall be going on now that I have decided to cut all kinds of worry. Pointless. Not just mine. Others. Udders. Everyone’s. Too much worry floating aboot. No need for mine to clog up the system


Aug 05, 2009Acting, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Off the top of my head, odd things which I have a slight clue about, is how to speak conversational Cantonese, particularly if you’re a taxi man from Hong Kong, and I have a clue how to dismantle, clean, and operate a Naval machine gun. Pretty strange I suppose, only 2 I can think of

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Apr 25, 2009Acting, LA Living0 Comments

Temperature wise, the extreme heat wave here in L.A seems to be over. However, I will not lie, between you, me, and the garden path, I am going through a bit of a dry spell myself. It has been a few days, ha. Some heat. Which has been made all the worse by the carry

The Art Chose Me!

The Art Chose Me!

Apr 24, 2009Acting5 Comments

The heat in L.A for the past few days has been fun-funking-real, it has been ridiculously warm, record temperatures. I had an acting class on Tuesday night, so I chose that that would be my most productive part of the day. However, I also chose not to use my brain much more that day as

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

Apr 15, 2009Acting, LA Living, Writing0 Comments

Finally, a day to write home about. Today has been a turn-up for the books – productive, full to the brim, and almost nothing weird or stupid happened. Almost.  In L.A, it is all about the meetings. Meetings and projects. Everyone is having meetings, working on projects, or having meetings about projects. I too have

Poker With Slash? Jazz With Prince? I’ll Pass

Poker With Slash? Jazz With Prince? I’ll Pass

Apr 05, 2009Acting, LA Living, Writing0 Comments

My first few days back in L.A have been rocky to say the least. I was getting body blows from all angles. Firstly, I had to pay rent, blow to the stomach. Secondly, I now had to pay for the gym, that bastard, blow to the kidneys. All of this and still no job on

Did I Do You Yet?

Did I Do You Yet?

Mar 24, 2009Acting, LA Living, Uncategorized, Writing0 Comments

Out of all the gyms, in all of gay San Francisco, I pick a gym owned by a straight guy, so I now have to pay, like a chump, it’s awful carry on. This gym, however, posed a very important question for me to mull over today – What is gayer: the couple (guy and

In The Shower. Singing. In French. Crying. Go!

In The Shower. Singing. In French. Crying. Go!

Mar 20, 2009Acting1 Comments

I feel the blog has wavered off the acting and writing track a tad lately, so I must write a post about the first Lee Strasburg class I went to last week. Not that it has been on that track much anyways, but the class was pretty nuts to say the least so worth a

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