
Tags: Agent

Sabotage Hayes

May 14, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing0 Comments

Tea. Quite the Magic potion. Like any Irish man, woman, child, ape, leprechaun, dancer, I enjoy a cup of tea. About ten times a day. Can’t beat a cup. Or spreading the word about the magical qualities of it. However, as an Irish bape/man boy in America, I am fully aware that tea bags are

Flash Gordon

Apr 23, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Let’s pretend today’s Monday. Ok. Where was I… oh yeah, flashbacks have been flooding in all day. Flashes of all kinds. Time to fill in the blanks. Funny old weekend. Getting back on track. Good chunk of buddies giddied up to Coachella for the weekend. Back to my solo Joe galavanting. Turned out a treat.

Speak? Easy… Hubulla!

Mar 24, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

I wonder. And I ponder. A lot. And a fair bit. This. That. Gibber. Even more wondering and pondering shall be going on now that I have decided to cut all kinds of worry. Pointless. Not just mine. Others. Udders. Everyone’s. Too much worry floating aboot. No need for mine to clog up the system