
Tags: Apples

Duh Dumb Diddle Daddle…

Sep 01, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing4 Comments

Just to be clear: Here is a dumb diddle daddle on how the dumb diddle daddle. Seriously. Alright. You’re smart. We know this. You’re quite aware of the fact that there’s a lot of dumbness floating aboot the air. Out there. Real world. Daily life. Every single day. Every single way. All could and should be

Thanks For The… Fruit?

Nov 26, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Technically, today is Thanksgiving. Still the eve or the night before really as I still haven’t slept, but technically, it is Thanksgiving. On another technical note, it is also Thursday. Still feels like a Wednesday, but technically Thursday. Try as I might, all tomorrow will be for me, is Thursday. That I have a feeling