Bring Back The Bubble!
For some reason, it occurred to me today, that people in Ireland are suspicious of a happy mood… “Why are you so happy? You should be freaked. You’re freaked to be back, right?” Which lead to my immense conundrum from the last post finally being solved. Took me long enough. The reason that people keep asking
Good Hair, Bad Hair Day
The reason I’m going with the good hair comment is because two random girls, one walking down the street, the other in a cafe, complimented my bird’s nest. I personally think that it was looking no different from yesterday, or as it will tomorrow. Being honest, neither compliment really improved my mood for more than
In Case You Didn’t Know…
I can be quite dumb at times. Firstly, apologies for the lack of blogaruu yesterday but I was busy being stupid, then getting drunk, and finally stupidly drunk, so the blogaruu was neglected. Whereas on Tuesday I figured out I have a 3 minute limit for being funny in one day, yesterday I figured out