Tags: Beirut

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Apr 25, 2009Acting, LA Living0 Comments

Temperature wise, the extreme heat wave here in L.A seems to be over. However, I will not lie, between you, me, and the garden path, I am going through a bit of a dry spell myself. It has been a few days, ha. Some heat. Which has been made all the worse by the carry

You Say Stupid. I Say Almost Clever.

You Say Stupid. I Say Almost Clever.

Mar 31, 2009Mexico, Random Ramblings6 Comments

My last day in Mexico was just a series of me failing miserably at trying to be clever. I am blaming my hangover and calling it an off-day. Usually, I am way smarter, I swear.  After I got wrestled out of my room far too early in the morning, I had the whole day to