
Tags: Big Lebowski

The Art Chose Me!

The Art Chose Me!

Apr 24, 2009Acting5 Comments

The heat in L.A for the past few days has been fun-funking-real, it has been ridiculously warm, record temperatures. I had an acting class on Tuesday night, so I chose that that would be my most productive part of the day. However, I also chose not to use my brain much more that day as

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

Apr 15, 2009Acting, LA Living, Writing0 Comments

Finally, a day to write home about. Today has been a turn-up for the books – productive, full to the brim, and almost nothing weird or stupid happened. Almost.  In L.A, it is all about the meetings. Meetings and projects. Everyone is having meetings, working on projects, or having meetings about projects. I too have