
Tags: Birthmonth

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Roxanne – Strange Talk Birthday. Birthmonth. Bert on! Beach. Party. Celebration. Malibu. Malibooze. Maliboobs! Paradise. Cove. Kaw. Bird. Shrimp. Wine. Cocktails. Lounge chairs. Hi life. Hello living. Drink. Glass. My. Hand. Gulp. Pause. Laugh. Another drin- Plop. Huh? Seagull. Kaw. Kaw. KAAWW! Flying. Attacking. Dropping. Dumping. Plopping. Into. Glass. Hand. Mine. Dunk. Lucky? Me! So

You’re F**King Joking Me?

What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye So the other day I got this wonderful letter in the post from a blogaruu reader which I thought I would reply to… ‘Howdy, Just wanted to say great hair! Also. What have you been up to lately? Goodbye for now, Murk Waters.’ Howdy yourself, Murk Waters, great to