
Tags: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Do X, Y And Z! Or… Just Watch TV?

Mar 01, 2011Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Beat The Devil’s Tattoo – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Exciting news! Got a haircut the other day. How exciting! Thought I looked like a penguin after it. Imagine!? Put my face where the big white belly part of the penguin is… Go on the Penguin! Until I saw the Oscars last night. Realised I actually

Jigsaw Time

Jigsaw Time

May 01, 2009LA Living, Random Ramblings0 Comments

On the surface, today was not the most productive of days. I prefer to look deeper though, get to know the person first. Started off with a few conversations with my roommates about the night before, fishing for clues of what happened, trying to act as if I remembered having the same conversations with them