
Tags: Chickens

New Free Book Chapter!

Aug 16, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

Who Are You? – The Who You know what’s mighty: RanDumb’s now rated #2 on the Amazon Humour charts. Oh. Betsy! You know what’s not so mighty: Toothaches. Almost sent me back to Ireland yesterday. Just so I could go home and hide in my bed until the pain was over. I know, my threshold

The Royal Rambles

Feb 09, 2010LA Living, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Texts. Wonderful little things. If for no other reason than keeping a timeline. Remind you of certain things. Blurry events. Shorter form of the blogaruu to be true. Which my memory would be completely lost without. Unfortunately. If a few days go by. Without blogging on. Particularly when a fair old whack has gone on.