
Tags: Clueless

And The Kinner Is… (Kindle Winner. Thank You.)

Dec 20, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing4 Comments

Miss You (ESTAW Fix) – Foster The People Ever read the quote this? Don’t major in the minor. Well, either way you just did. Good old quote, to be true. Don’t get hung up on the small things, I do suppose. Which is why I’ll keep this blogaruu all about who’s won the Kindle and not


Jul 20, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Randumb Book, Writing4 Comments

Big Bad Wolf – Duck Sauce Carmaggedon: Some spoof. Never seen the roads so quiet. Hollywood hype! Waste of a shotgun. End of the world will have to wait. Me: Some idiot. Have you ever tried to take shortcuts, even though you’ve never been in the place before? Some clown. Driving back from a gig

Shoulder Padded Turtle Necks

Feb 23, 2011Ireland, LA Living, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

I’ll Try Anything Once – Julian Casablancas Confession time: For far too long a period growing up I used to wear turtlenecks. As in, all the time. Pre denim jacket phase. Post oversized sports jacket. Turtlenecks were my item of choice. Anywhere. Everywhere. All the time. Must’ve thought I was French. Or Sean Connery. Not

Oooh, You’re Soooo Pretty! Clueless

Nov 16, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

If nobody likes a know-it-all, then wouldn’t logic suggest that everyone likes a clueless person? If so, wuu huu for me. Seeing as I’ve lived in L.A for almost six months before, I thought I might be a bit more clued in this time around. Know the ropes a bit better. Not be as green