
Tags: Coffee Bean

Weekend at Bernie’s

Weekend at Bernie’s

Sep 27, 2012LA Living, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Running Up That Hill (Louis La Roche Remix) – Kate Bush Some things in L.A appear will never change. Not unless I do, anyway. Such as, people calling me by the wrong name over and over. Ever growing list at this stage. The usuals still apply. Merrick. Eric. Omar. Moved on a lot to Merk.

Time Of The Month… Again?!!!

Time Of The Month… Again?!!!

Apr 26, 2009LA Living, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Finally, I can empathize with women. Once a month, every month, I too feel your pain, we have it tough sisters! Roughly, around this time of the month, give or take a few days, I start to get headaches, feelings of anxiety, restless nights, sweaty palms, irritable, mood swings, the whole nine yards that girls go

Brad, I Feel Your Pain…

Brad, I Feel Your Pain…

Mar 23, 2009Uncategorized0 Comments

I now know how Brad felt when he left the set of Mr & Mrs Smith and had to leave Angelina to go back to Jennifer. I am in almost the exact, exact same situation. Almost. L.A is my mistress, Angelina, San Fran is my Jennifer. I used to love San Fran, my favourite city in America

Any Spare Change, Boss?

Any Spare Change, Boss?

Mar 16, 2009Acting, LA Living, Writing0 Comments

Today has been a day of chats, stories and getting information, some meaningless, the rest highly useful.  Here’s a highly useful bit of information I got today, which will definitely benefit me further down the line. Apparently Matt Damon lived in the same place I live now. Very useful to know. At least now if

Hey Ricky Bobby!!! I Love You Shwayze!!!

Hey Ricky Bobby!!! I Love You Shwayze!!!

Mar 12, 2009LA Living3 Comments

Great news… I’ve committed to an acting class. Verbally at least, I forgot to bring my credit card to actually pay. Starting April 2nd I’ll be going to Brian Reise for a month to six weeks at least, no more auditing, payment on. I just have to make sure the visa run works and I

Yes, That Is I, Where Do I Sign?

Yes, That Is I, Where Do I Sign?

Mar 07, 2009LA Living1 Comments

Thursday started with a tough choice, deciding whether or not I’ll walk to the acting class an hour away that night or walk to 5-a-side in Rob’s house which was a 2 hour walk away(the texts say “Footie in Robs’?” so I’m in the click and call him Rob now too, ha). So, Aaron or