
Tags: Contracts

Fun, Funds & Funk Me Pink

Aug 28, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Today was a fun day of meetings up in Dubla. And by fun, I mean productive. On a quick side-ish note, not mainly today, but I’ve realized something which happens now and again to me during meetings. That is, I am not always fully, 100% aware of what point exactly a person might be making to

Gut On!

Aug 25, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Bob all happened today to be true. Bits and pieces at best. After getting home last night for about 3 bells, I was way too tired to write a blogaruu. Bad call being honest. For whatever reason, I find writing of any sort flows far better at night rather than through the daylight hours. So,