
Tags: Cut Copy

My One Night Stand…

Miss You – The Rolling Stones Very sad day. Just took down my Christmas tree. Meant to do it last weekend but I couldn’t bear the thought/too lazy. Now it’s down. Meaning Christmas is over. Done. Dusted. Out. Buried. No more. Hard to take. Although the thing is: Does Christmas ever even start in LA? Ehh…

Victim Hayes

Aug 30, 2011Hollywood, Ireland, LA Living, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

Lights And Music – Cut Copy Not sure where newspapers get photos of me. An educated guess is that they pull them out of a bag of cats. Photos with both my eyes closed. One just after a soccer match, panting, sweating, looking with one wonky eye. The most recent one has me looking like

Smells Like Summer. Tastes Like Christmas Tree.

Feb 03, 2011LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing1 Comments

Need You Now – Cut Copy Invaluable few lessons have re-reared their heads in the past few days. Just in case I ever forgot… 1. It only takes an instant to dislike me. Kind of odd. Take tonight. Met my buddy Chowder in Barneys for a pint. Ordered up. Standing at the bar. Random girl