
Tags: Discovery

Just Plain Rude

Just Plain Rude

Jun 23, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing0 Comments

Rapid fire time, just to get them out, feeling funked and have to get up early tomorrow. Proper early too. As in 9 – 5 early. What a disaster.  We all have people who come up to us when we’re out, and annoy the funk out of you. They think they’re hilarious, or its joint

Waist Size?

Jun 17, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

As the title will clearly show, as you will eventually read further down, it might be fair to say, that in creative terms, the ball might not bounce as highly for me in Cork, as it might in L.A. 3 factors which I noticed are no longer as frequent outside my window are: The blistering