
Tags: Dodging

Y’s Up. Owl On.

Apr 27, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

One week ago, I realised two things. One. My bedroom is the quietest place ever created. My pillow screams at me. That kind of quiet. Too quiet to sleep. That kind of quiet. Tough life, I know. Seriously though. Come sleep in my bed. The quietness is deafening. Tough life. Moving on. Secondly. I’ve slipped.

Location, Location, Location!

Sep 23, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Earlier on today, a buddy of mine moved over to Emerica, a long term visa in his back pocket. Happy days for him, we have been in the same boat for a few years. Good buddy, known him from school days I’d say. Since being home, I think I have met up with him once

Waist Size?

Jun 17, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

As the title will clearly show, as you will eventually read further down, it might be fair to say, that in creative terms, the ball might not bounce as highly for me in Cork, as it might in L.A. 3 factors which I noticed are no longer as frequent outside my window are: The blistering