Tags: Drunk
LonDumb – Part V (Or… Why Did I Eat Paper?)
(Continuing on from… LonDumb – Part I LonDumb – Part II LonDumb – Part III LonDumb – Part IV) Walking On Broken Glass – Annie Lennox Pa Ranoid they might call me, if my name was Pa, Paddy, Pat or Patrick. Thankfully, it is none of the above. But I am paranoid. And I’m in a hotel lobby. On
Such A F$&@^!*KING CARROT!!
Robot High School – My Robot Friend All has be quiet on the wonderful blogaruu. Head down. Editing on. So far, so mighty. Soon ye shall see and read and laugh and weep and dance and be merry! Oh ’twill be a glorious day, to be true. Besides that, I have kept my venturing out to a
Victim Hayes
Lights And Music – Cut Copy Not sure where newspapers get photos of me. An educated guess is that they pull them out of a bag of cats. Photos with both my eyes closed. One just after a soccer match, panting, sweating, looking with one wonky eye. The most recent one has me looking like
Great Expectations! Oh St. Pa’tricks…
I’m Shipping Up to Boston – Dropkick Murphys Blogaruu, she’s been a while! My bad for the delay. Quite busy with vital stuff. Such as realising that I might be a fairy (apparently fairies can only handle or feel one emotion at a time. I am a full on fairy. Call me Tinker). And speaking
Emm… Now? Ladies
Apologies for the delay. Truly truly sorry. Please accept my deepest apologies. Truly. Let’s try this fun gibber once again. Dumb roll please.. Enjoy le podgaruu!! Hearing Haze: Episode 5 – Ladies… (Right click to download. iPod on!)
Fighting Mike Tyson On Mushrooms
Hello – Martin Solveig Feat. Dragonette LA… Mighty. Halloween… Nuts. Throw in a few Irish… Big buckets of mighty funking nuts!!! If ever you were going to visit L-Hey to see how bizarre/mighty/dancing/full-on/ape-ish/funreal/savage it actually is… Halloween all the way! Last year had me stumped for words. Arrived back here from Ireland. Straight off the plane. Threw
A Jester’s Gesture
Indian Sun – Mean Lady Halloween truly is the mightiest of them all in L-Hey. Complete dancer of a weekend! Unfortunately. What goes up must tumble stumble and spiral all the way down. Now feeling absolutely battered. Normal blogaruu will follow along. Can barely raise a smile en ce moment. However. Poems have been oddly
Dancing With Leperchauns
Maybe I’m just a wee bit of a funking idiot. Maybe it’s just because I had an average day and night. Maybe I just didn’t celebrate it the right way. Maybe it’s because I didn’t get to go to a parade. Or. Maybe. Perhaps. Paddy’s Day. Is. Quite over-rated. Ridiculously so? Maybe if I was American.
Gazing With Boars
Without really realising it, it went from being Friday, to being Tuesday. You could say the past few days have been a bit of a daze. You could. But not really true. More that I’ve just been in a daze. For the past few days. I know why too. But I’ll get back to that.
Deliria… I’m En Route!
At the moment, three things kind of annoy me a good little tad. Uno… The word ‘lol’. A pointless word to fill a gap if ever I have read one. Lol. Deux… People who keep putting “everything, they think, is profound, into quotation marks”. And three… that bars close so early in L.A. I won’t