
Tags: Elton John

#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke

#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke

Wrote a mighty poem today. Felt it should be shared. Things went weird. Blacked out. Woke up. Heard the door shut. Fecking. Milkman: Joke of the Day – Wahey! My Wonderful Book: Click! Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (With Kiki Dee) – Elton John Walk – Foo Fighters  

#14 – Forgot The Joke Joke

#14 – Forgot The Joke Joke

So… The other day I got a mighty video review on Amazon. Tut. Sorry. So… First ever video review. Made me laugh. A lot. So… Here’s my video response. First ever one so please bear with me. I did also kind of forget to tell a joke. Isn’t that hilarious!?! Ha. Hm. You just never

Cold Balls.

Jan 10, 2011LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

Everywhere (Psychemagik Edit) - Fleetwood Mac First week of the new year. High hopes. Great expectations. My plan is all about “getting stuff done, as opposed to being a busy fool.” And like all loose plans with no light shining the way, this first week has gone swimmingly well. Ughatha. Week started with me attempting to get

Great Intentions!

Dec 08, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Don’t you just love the days when you wake up bright as a button, get up out of… nay, bound out of bed with a spring, hitting the ground running. Breakfast. Protein. Coffee. Straight into work. Racing through your daily objectives! Chapters flying out of your ears. Even when life and it’s duties try to annoy

Some Laugh!

Some Laugh!

Apr 29, 2009LA Living0 Comments

Everyone had me well pre-warned about my stand-up debut… My first time would be horrendous no matter what, just enjoy it sort of thing. Era shur that’s just like the first time I had… I won’t even bother, those jokes are too easy even for the likes of me.  In preparation for the debut, I