
Tags: Flashbacks

Backsplash Flashback

Aug 10, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Climbing Up The Walls – Strange Talk Bobby Beard. Nobby No Beard. Polly and Esther. Spanish Dexter (Spandex). Vinnie ‘The Straight’ Sanchez. Amazing week. Concocted some amount of new characters to talk to in my head. Some gibber. Speaking of which, Saturday night was amazing. In the sense it was the first Saturday in donkeys that

Flash Gordon

Apr 23, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Let’s pretend today’s Monday. Ok. Where was I… oh yeah, flashbacks have been flooding in all day. Flashes of all kinds. Time to fill in the blanks. Funny old weekend. Getting back on track. Good chunk of buddies giddied up to Coachella for the weekend. Back to my solo Joe galavanting. Turned out a treat.

Deliria… I’m En Route!

Dec 29, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

At the moment, three things kind of annoy me a good little tad. Uno… The word ‘lol’. A pointless word to fill a gap if ever I have read one. Lol. Deux… People who keep putting “everything, they think, is profound, into quotation marks”. And three… that bars close so early in L.A. I won’t

Trainee Priest

Trainee Priest

May 09, 2009LA Living0 Comments

My last blogaruu post was published in an extremely hungover state. Since then, I have stayed in all day, mulling things over. You could say, I stayed in my head all day, but I won’t. A few mighty choices were made and also good guidance was received, I am pumped again! Flashbacks from last night