
Tags: Gemini

Mandatory Man Dates

Dec 08, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Loose ends. Tie them in. Previous blogaruu in two. Clever thing would probably be to delay this but plough on! Quantity all the way! Gemini. Exit route. As I was saying, it is good to know that with people who are into their star-signs here, being a Gemini is a way out for any of

Great Intentions!

Dec 08, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Don’t you just love the days when you wake up bright as a button, get up out of… nay, bound out of bed with a spring, hitting the ground running. Breakfast. Protein. Coffee. Straight into work. Racing through your daily objectives! Chapters flying out of your ears. Even when life and it’s duties try to annoy