
Tags: Gibber

Hollywood Hayes

Hollywood Hayes – Friendly or Gay?

Hard to tell in LA if most of the sound guys who I meet out happen to be gay or if gay guys are just sound to me. That’s the trouble here trying to make friends. You try to be open but never quite sure what the ulterior motive is. Take last Saturday. I’m DJing

Hollywood Hayes

Hollywood Hayes – Old People

You see a lot of things in West Hollywood. Today, for example, I saw a hefty, blimp shaped man wearing nothing but a long brown wig and pink thong bikini while cycling his bicycle. Always nice when you’re strolling to the shop for milk. Hardly ever see old people here, though. Not like the sweet

RanDumb On!

Blogaruu! Jamaduu. It’s been too long. I have been busy. Editing this new book. Almost done. Gibbering aboot. Book fairs and the likes. And. Shooting some RanDumb stuff to show some TV people and the likes. Mighty hoot. Here are a few photos. Still going. More the merrier. As a wise man once said: You

RanDumb Teaser… An Irish-American Classic.

RanDumb Teaser… An Irish-American Classic.

Mar 13, 2013Acting, Book, Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Random Ramblings, RanDumb0 Comments

Made this a while ago for TV meetings and the likes. Tease on, as they say. Here’s the tale of it all -> I Shot The Sheriff. Sticking it up for Paddy’s Day, how wonderful. RanDumber shall be free this weekend too so keep on eye out for that. Spread the glorious gibber. Watch on!

Boring Bob

Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Tears For Fears Harking back to my college days, oh what a lark, one thing that sticks out in my mind is texting girls on behalf of my friends. Not all the time, just some times, if they got stuck trying to woo a girl. Sometimes I still

Comfortably Dumb

Cause – Rodriguez So yesterday a couple of lights, bombs, bells and whistles exploded off in my head. It’s a been a while. Epiphany on. I was talking to a guy who asked me a simple enough question: What have you been doing lately? Rattled off the usual replies. This. That. The gibber. Grand. As

LonDumb – Part II

Dec 11, 2012Mark Hayes, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing7 Comments

Continuing on from LonDumb – Part I … It’s A Long Way To Tipperary – Little Green Cars What do you call a ponder pipe that just lays around all day? Mopey Dick. Badum. My first day in London, I was moping like no other. Woke up early. Phoned the prison. Spoke to Kailand. Told me

Weekend at Bernie’s

Weekend at Bernie’s

Sep 27, 2012LA Living, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Running Up That Hill (Louis La Roche Remix) – Kate Bush Some things in L.A appear will never change. Not unless I do, anyway. Such as, people calling me by the wrong name over and over. Ever growing list at this stage. The usuals still apply. Merrick. Eric. Omar. Moved on a lot to Merk.

Pre-Paradise Prambles…

Man On Fire – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Not sure where my dose of self-diagnosed claustrophobia came from exactly. Maybe from when I was in fifth class in primary school. And for some reason a group of us were put in class with people in sixth class. The Special Ones, as we called

Sheep. Strawberries. And. Pat.

Chigadaging - Ukulélé Club de Paris “It’s just great that you’re back!” Yeah, mighty! “How was the flight? What did you eat? Have you eaten? What would you like to eat? I have chicken, turkey, ham, steak-” Mum… “Oh right, something healthier? I have salad, salmon, sea bass-” No, Mum… Mum. “We could get something else

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