Tags: Gold
PreDumb Out Now Unofficially On The QT
In case you didn’t know, my new book PreDumb: Before I Came to LA is now out, online so far at least. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, all the usual haunts. Click on the links to go forth and have a gander. Otherwise go into your nearest book store and demand the speed up their orders.
Win! Free! Gold!!!
Oh Sweet Lord, this is exciting. Quite giddy. Who doesn’t like free stuff?! If you have ever wanted or asked for a free book, then here’s your chance to giddy up! Wuu duu. Complete. Compute. Competition time. 5 books to give away. Isn’t that just mighty?! Way better than something like a free car or
Halfway… Hiberna… Duuper!
Let’s just say Ireland was like rehab. A recovery period. Quiet. Peaceful. Not much temptation. Not much to do. Few distractions. Normality. Regular way of life. Now let’s just say L.A is the complete opposite. Beyond belief the complete opposite. I think the mistake I made initially was coming straight back into the bizarre but