
Tags: Heat

Amerricka! Funk Yeah!

Jul 05, 2011Hollywood, Ireland, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

I Want To Break Free – Mariachillout Seeing as the rest of America is celebrating its birthday and its right to dance, I feel now is the perfect time to do a quick expose. Show the people of Ireland (et al) the truth! What it’s really like to live in LA. Won’t lie, pre-tty gruesome.

Monkey Free Crap Fun!

Aug 21, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Dancers. Islands. Yachts. Parts. Practice. Bathrooms. Some things are better private. Ehh… Numbers. Some things are not. One new addition to the better pile… Jets. Finally I can now confidently say: Private jets are the dancers of the air. Finally, says you. I know, says I. Giddy up! Assumption off. Jet on. Absolutely funking mighty. Planned on doing a blogaruu

Goosaruu’d. Duckaduu’d.

Jul 16, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

New fussball team. Gypsy F.C. Giddy up. Quality team. Currently vying for a spot with a man who has captained the English fussball team. And another chap who has won the World Cup. Seriously. Obviously they too were impressed with my Collingwood and Crowley winning days. Hoviously. Anyways. Fun team to play on. First game

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Jaysus, Some Heat!

Apr 25, 2009Acting, LA Living0 Comments

Temperature wise, the extreme heat wave here in L.A seems to be over. However, I will not lie, between you, me, and the garden path, I am going through a bit of a dry spell myself. It has been a few days, ha. Some heat. Which has been made all the worse by the carry