
Tags: High-Life

Hold Me Closer, Private Dancer

Dancing In The Moonlight – Thin Lizzy Thirty minutes in. I think I might be drunk. A tad tipsy. High as a kite. On my way to skunks who are drunks town. In the non-literal sense. Obviously. Literally, I’m 45,000 feet in the air on the way to Miami. High flying. Fly in the sky.

Tropical Hayes!

Tropical Hayes!

For reasons unknown, all names shall be culled from this blogaruu. Except for mine. I’m going full on narcissistic. Tropical Hayes all the way! So it’s the day after Halloween. Actually, the night. Limo pulls up outside my abode. It’s time. Put on my private jet pants. Grab my bag. Scuttle out. Hop in. High fives.

It Was All A Dream… (Part II)

It Was All A Dream… (Part II)

Dreadlock Holiday – 10cc ‘Hey mon… Hey womon… Hey wom-on, come sit on my lap wom-on. I take good care of you my wom-on, OK. You no need to worry about any of that no more my wom-on. You be my white prin-cess…’ Within an hour of landing, I had become a fully fledged Pirate of the

It Was All A Dream…

It Was All A Dream…

(This shall be the first part of a however-many-parts-it-takes-parter series about my recent mighty adventure to Heaven and Hell. Split it up. One blogaruu all on its own could be a tad long perhaps indeed. Read. On!) This Sweet Love (Prins Thomas Sneaky Edit) – James Yuill Like all mighty trips to heaven, I didn’t

Hello, Ian…

Hello, Ian…

Nov 02, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Handle With Care – Traveling Wilburys So the other day I walked into the doctor’s and said: Hello, doctor Ian, I have this slight cough for a while now, can you- Say no more, he said, just drop the pants, jump up on the bed, lie on your side and we’ll take a look.  Down

Singing The Booze

Jul 20, 2010Bahanaramas, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Last week. A boot. Changed my life. Hopefully you just sung that to the tune of DJ and last night. As I have been doing all day. Its true though. Last week a boot changed my life. Boot as in boat. Changed as in changed. Life as in outlook. Holiday time. Giddy up. 10 days.

Hoot On A Boot!

May 23, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

Last Monday has me stumped. Struggling big time to put it all together in one coherent blogaruu. One which might make some bit of sense. Mental day. Basket case. Random. Dumb. Buckets of fun. New level. Quantity. Quality. Bar raised. Utter nutter. Bit of butter. Already it’s making me ramble into incoherent gibber. Fourth attempt at

Check. Please. Balls.

May 06, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

I’m a big fan of finding a gem of a song. Particularly if it’s a mostly unknown beast. Although I won’t lie. At times, I like to keep them a secret. Shh. Unleash during a DJig perhaps. Dodging and ducking trainspotters. Out with their phones. Ready to scribble down. Which song? This song? Or the

Rain Drops!

Dec 14, 2009LA Living, Music2 Comments

Lately I’ve been reminded of a certain trend in the blogaruu. Recent posts such as ‘Toe-Knee! Tow-Me! Eh, Tony!’ have refreshed my memory of the this trend. Which is… the more bad things that happen to me, the more people read the blog. And, more importantly, it seems these stories are enjoyed far more. Stories of