
Tags: L.A Lakers

Hundreds & Thousands!

Dec 17, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

Obviously I knew that Christmas was coming up soon. Start of December and all. It’s about three weeks away. Better start lining up presents to send home. This statement, by me, was met with ‘Christmas is next week.’ Pardon me, what now? Which week? When? Three weeks. Right? At least? Don’t be so silly. Only

Rain Drops!

Dec 14, 2009LA Living, Music2 Comments

Lately I’ve been reminded of a certain trend in the blogaruu. Recent posts such as ‘Toe-Knee! Tow-Me! Eh, Tony!’ have refreshed my memory of the this trend. Which is… the more bad things that happen to me, the more people read the blog. And, more importantly, it seems these stories are enjoyed far more. Stories of