
Tags: Larry David

Boom Boom Boom…

Sep 11, 2012Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Stand-Up, Writing5 Comments

I Want To Know What Love Is – Foreigner Let me hear you say WeHo, WeHo! Mighty Monday was had today. Why oh why, do you say? Well, let me stop speaking in rhyming riddles and calm down a second. Now. OK. So. I’ve been going through a bit of a power ballad phase, in

Man In The Mirror

Man In The Mirror

Aug 10, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings3 Comments

Being honest, I had a blogaruu half written out before I decided I had to restart it from scratch. Thankfully, it was cut loose. Perhaps these few selected sentences will make clear as to why… “L.A.D kicked in big time this weekend. As opposed to S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder), location seems to be my problem”…

Shut Up & Do The Right Thing!

Shut Up & Do The Right Thing!

May 28, 2009LA Living, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Pulitzer prize winners, Larry David, and I suppose all those who have a clue about the art of writing, this may not be the post for you. Anyone with a clue. However, if, like me, you were fairly clueless until recently about writing, you might get a few tips from this blogaduu. Finally, finally, after