Tags: LCD Soundsystem
Summer Duu!
About a month ago I read Zen and the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury. Mighty book, highly recommend it. Two of the best things I got out of it:
Enough Talk, More Music!!!
Apparently. This weekend was all about Coachella. Unfortunately. I wasn’t able to go. Thankfully. I live in LA. Buckets to do. Wuu to the huu. Funny old weekend. Flashbacks flooding in. Donkey laughing like a goat all day. Apple juice. Grannies. Dressing gowns. Oh Jesus. Need to start recording these incidents. Pipeline on. Need to
Umm. Yeah. Yum.
Use it. Or lose it. For the past week, I have definitely lost it. Gym. Shave. Blog. Not much of any going on. Lazy. Ran out of shaving gel. And more laziness. Blog has been a dry empty barren desert. Which is surprising. Seeing as a fair old whack has been chugging along. Such as
Red Or White?
I shall not lie, over the past few days I was unsure if the 100th mark would be reached, never mind broken. However, I have decided to prove myself wrong, and write on! The reason for this uncertainty, initially, was due to me being unsure how long more I could stay in America for, on this
If You Had To Do One, Eiffel Tower or Berlin Wall?
Now that I had my first article published, it was time for me to retire. All the hard work had paid off, the graft and effort was worth it all, time now to reap the rewards. Which, I presume would just snowball in all day long. At least these were the reasons I am giving