
Tags: Lee Strasberg

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!

Apr 15, 2009Acting, LA Living, Writing0 Comments

Finally, a day to write home about. Today has been a turn-up for the books – productive, full to the brim, and almost nothing weird or stupid happened. Almost.  In L.A, it is all about the meetings. Meetings and projects. Everyone is having meetings, working on projects, or having meetings about projects. I too have

Actually Neil, They’re Swedish…

Actually Neil, They’re Swedish…

Mar 13, 2009Acting, LA Living1 Comments

So yesterday was a highly productive day. Highly. I got a call in the afternoon asking me if I wanted to audit another one of Aaron Speiser’s classes. I said I would, it was free, I’m not starting the other class full on until the start of April, might as well get the free ones