Tags: Manager
Speak? Easy… Hubulla!
I wonder. And I ponder. A lot. And a fair bit. This. That. Gibber. Even more wondering and pondering shall be going on now that I have decided to cut all kinds of worry. Pointless. Not just mine. Others. Udders. Everyone’s. Too much worry floating aboot. No need for mine to clog up the system
Enough Talk, More Music!!!
Saturday morning. Coffee meeting. Talent manager. Re de de. Might be something. Could be nothing. We. Shall. See. We me, same difference. Sit down. How’s she cutting. Thanks for the coffee. Rar diddy rar. Big. Dumb. Gulp. Burn, scald, dribble, dumb. Once again, not again. Holy funk. Tongue on fire. Throat on hold. Eyes watering.