
Tags: Marvin Gaye

You’re F**King Joking Me?

What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye So the other day I got this wonderful letter in the post from a blogaruu reader which I thought I would reply to… ‘Howdy, Just wanted to say great hair! Also. What have you been up to lately? Goodbye for now, Murk Waters.’ Howdy yourself, Murk Waters, great to

Rent? Oh And Groceries. Obviously.

Dec 28, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Podcast, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, RanDumber0 Comments

Sunny (Mercury II Edit) – Marvin Gaye Good morning. Proper Christmas blogaruu to come soon, hopefully. In lieu until then, how aboot some of my gibbering along on my buddy’s radio show? Mighty? I know! Rudebox on…

If The Mountain Won’t Come To The Prophidiot…

Woke Up New – Mountain Goats You know when you’re lost in a valley of mountains. You’re standing at the foot of one of the mountains. And you’re all like… What the funk?! I just climbed a mountain. Seriously. Just did it. Look! And everyone looks as you point to the smaller mountain behind you…

Actuary. Actually? Not Exactly…

Sep 15, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

As I am sure you are all already aware, my favourite subject in school used to be Maths. Or, Math, for any Emericano readers. Common knowledge, first topic on my Wikipedia page. You could almost say Einstein was my hero. But he wasn’t. Still though, for whatever reason, I used to get a good buzz