Tags: Michael Jackson
Summer Duu!
About a month ago I read Zen and the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury. Mighty book, highly recommend it. Two of the best things I got out of it:
I Have A Dream…
A buddy of mine always seems to sense when I am hungry. Just as I might get a pang of hunger, right on cue, the buddy would see if I wanted to go with them for something to eat. Sounds good. Lets go. Lets go eat. The problem was, I would inevitably find out, that
Treat ‘Em Mean!
I have two ways to describe my morning so far. One is to say I am just, just over an hour early for the train to Dublin. The other route would be to say I literally missed the original train I planned to get by 5 seconds. Not even, really, I managed to get through
Sans Miguel
Being honest, now and again, I perhaps can be a bit (very) superstitious, paranoid, neurotic, estúpido, whatever you might want to call it. Nothing dumb like walking under a ladder, or a black cat running across me. That’s just dumb. My peculiarities are far more intelligent. Obviously. For example, if I have a bad thought about
DJ Bluffing
Second day of DJ’ing did not start so well. In fact, yesterday I had one of those mare of a days everyone has now and again, for no apparent reason. Looking back now, and after being told by my buddy today, I was being a little b**ch. There was a heat wave so it was