
Tags: Mind

Mumbling, Fumbling, Bumbling Mess

Feb 16, 2010Music, Random Ramblings4 Comments

Rambling on from the previous blogaruu. Have you ever thought you were going to blow your own mind? On Saturday, I think I tried my best. Not really sure why so. Now that I think about it, bit of a joke. Decision making seems to do it at the moment. Brain being torn one way

First. Ever. Shhh.

Jan 22, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

On a serious note, I’m a fan of the crust. The heel. Start and end parts of the loaf of bread. Whichever name you like to call a rose. Some people aren’t. I am. Especially when it’s toasted. So when I just found out all I had was only one crust left, I didn’t really