
Tags: Moaning

Y’s Up. Owl On.

Apr 27, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

One week ago, I realised two things. One. My bedroom is the quietest place ever created. My pillow screams at me. That kind of quiet. Too quiet to sleep. That kind of quiet. Tough life, I know. Seriously though. Come sleep in my bed. The quietness is deafening. Tough life. Moving on. Secondly. I’ve slipped.

The Ungrateful Living

Feb 12, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Haven’t blogaruu’d for a few days. Withdrawal symptoms. Pretty sure it’s being keeping you awake at night as well. Wondering why so. Pretty sure. Pre-tty sure. Sure. Not writing for more than two days kind of gets me a tad freaked though. Use it or you may just lose it. Or some gibberish like that.