
Tags: Mr. Big

Boom Boom Boom…

Sep 11, 2012Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Stand-Up, Writing5 Comments

I Want To Know What Love Is – Foreigner Let me hear you say WeHo, WeHo! Mighty Monday was had today. Why oh why, do you say? Well, let me stop speaking in rhyming riddles and calm down a second. Now. OK. So. I’ve been going through a bit of a power ballad phase, in

Santa Touched Me. Felt. Liked. Christmas!

Dec 28, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

If It Wasn’t For You – Various Cruelties Dark. Dreary. Drab. Depressing. Dire. Dismal. Doleful. Dreadful. Downer. Dose. Big bulbous buckets of gushing water. Tut. The week before Christmas the rain held a reign of terror over L.A. Brutal. In every way. I know. But it did. People can’t cope. Simply melt away at the