
Tags: Muse

Bad Ass Betty

Nov 08, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumber4 Comments

Black Betty – Ram Jam So the other day I rode a horse. Bam-a-lam Her name was Betty. Bam-a-lam And I rode her well. Bam-a-lam Great horse. Bam-A-lam Very bad ass. Bam-a-lam Clippity clop. Bam-A-lam Kept stopping for plippity plop. Bam-BA-lam! Oh brown Betty, the damn thing was wild. Betty was her actual name too,

Hey Boss… Where Me Worms?!

Aug 10, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing8 Comments

Far too much of today has been spent being far too confused. Someone changing the layout of my blogaruu… What was that aboot? That guy in Trader Joe’s who just drove his car into a bush next to me… ? That girl who started sobbing while ringing up my food at the till… ? That

Slow Down!!!

Aug 07, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Life!!! Slow down! Chill out woman! You are going at too fast a pace for me at the moment. I am neck and neck with the snails. Trundling along at quite a speed. Events, festivities, stories, and dumbness are all happening far too fast for me to write any of it down!!! Seeing as I



Apr 20, 2009LA Living0 Comments

Great news, it seems my dreams are finally falling into place, like a perfect jigsaw. This weekend I became a carnie, wuu, and now today I found out I have two fans. I am not just being presumptuous either, they kindly told me. However, it is not as glamorous as you might think. You might