
Tags: Noah and the Whale

High Five. You Goat. Hug My Ear.

Sep 10, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

One other downfall that I forgot to mention yesterday, with regards to DJ’ing, is that the day after, I feel highly hungover. Even more so when I don’t drink. Completely wrecked. And end up having the productivity levels of a sleeping goat. Like I did all day today. I’m not going to harp on again about the

Fun, Funds & Funk Me Pink

Aug 28, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Today was a fun day of meetings up in Dubla. And by fun, I mean productive. On a quick side-ish note, not mainly today, but I’ve realized something which happens now and again to me during meetings. That is, I am not always fully, 100% aware of what point exactly a person might be making to