Tags: Penguin Prison
Hollywood (Felix Da Housecat Remix) – Penguin Prison Off the top of my head I can only think of two things:
Mumbling, Fumbling, Bumbling Mess
Rambling on from the previous blogaruu. Have you ever thought you were going to blow your own mind? On Saturday, I think I tried my best. Not really sure why so. Now that I think about it, bit of a joke. Decision making seems to do it at the moment. Brain being torn one way
Oooh, You’re Soooo Pretty! Clueless
If nobody likes a know-it-all, then wouldn’t logic suggest that everyone likes a clueless person? If so, wuu huu for me. Seeing as I’ve lived in L.A for almost six months before, I thought I might be a bit more clued in this time around. Know the ropes a bit better. Not be as green