
Tags: Penguin Prison


Hollywood (Felix Da Housecat Remix) – Penguin Prison Off the top of my head I can only think of two things:

Mumbling, Fumbling, Bumbling Mess

Feb 16, 2010Music, Random Ramblings4 Comments

Rambling on from the previous blogaruu. Have you ever thought you were going to blow your own mind? On Saturday, I think I tried my best. Not really sure why so. Now that I think about it, bit of a joke. Decision making seems to do it at the moment. Brain being torn one way

Oooh, You’re Soooo Pretty! Clueless

Nov 16, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

If nobody likes a know-it-all, then wouldn’t logic suggest that everyone likes a clueless person? If so, wuu huu for me. Seeing as I’ve lived in L.A for almost six months before, I thought I might be a bit more clued in this time around. Know the ropes a bit better. Not be as green