
Tags: Procrastination

Comfortably Dumb

Cause – Rodriguez So yesterday a couple of lights, bombs, bells and whistles exploded off in my head. It’s a been a while. Epiphany on. I was talking to a guy who asked me a simple enough question: What have you been doing lately? Rattled off the usual replies. This. That. The gibber. Grand. As

Women Are From Nuts. Men Are From Morons!

Jun 07, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Sun Of A Gun – Oh Land Tough old week. Got chased by an angry snarling Alsatian. Not sure. But. Might be related to the previous blog? Speaking of which. Quiet on the blogaruu. My bad. Very busy doing highly important things. Such as… Walking into people. Rushing for the bathroom. Power striding. Bladder bursting.


Oct 16, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Even though I made the slowest possible start to the week, the writing has actually been trundling along nicely. Still though, even today I have caught myself pointlessly procrastinating away chunks of my day. Time, once again, to name and shame. Needs to be done to keep me on my toes. Hopefully then, I can avoid