
Tags: Producing

Hung Like A Horse!

Oct 16, 2012Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, RanDumber, Writing1 Comments

Thrift Shop – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis It’s a Sunday night. You’re sick of talking to banterless clowns in dead bars. So you go to a liquor store. And end up down an alley. Trying to have a laugh with some homeless guy. Who’s trying to take a drink from your brown paper bag. Life.

Reality Cheque

Jul 14, 2009Music, Writing6 Comments

Over the weekend, I realized it was time to take stock. Regather, regroup and all that. For some reason I left myself take a battering mentally last week. I am still not entirely sure why I let myself run around my own head so much. Perhaps it is to do with the fact that I