
Tags: Review

The Wizard Of Oz!

May 28, 2012Book, Ireland, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Down Under – Men At Work Mighty weekend. Sold a pair of signed Pants Off… RanDumber On! underwear Merkandise for $70. (The standard has been set!. Shop on!) And some fine folk sent me a scan of this RanDumber review. First one in an Australian newspaper that I know of. Going down under! All the

Era Shur…

Era Shur…

Nov 11, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book2 Comments

Everywhere – Teen Daze Attempting to be productive elsewhere en ce moment. Something is better than nothing? So why not show the first piece of art I did a while back in art club… Duu And seeing as I am being brief and a marcissist, how aboot a book review… !

Back On The Bus!

Jun 15, 2010Ireland, LA Living, Music, Randumb Book0 Comments

Like most wagons, if you happen to fall off the blogaruu bus for too long, it can be tough to get back on. Bucket loads going on yet nothing being posted. Bad form, to be true. In my defence, a lot of country swapping, touring, whuring and jigging has been going on. In your defence,