Tags: Shamwow
Shamwow To Look Now!
We Are The People (Jimmy2sox Remix) – Empire Of The Sun Two years ago I went to my first fair in LA. As a Shamwow salesman. Obviously. Sold my first Shamwow to a Neo-Nazi. Mighty. Also did a bit of moonlighting as a carny. We all have a dark past. Exactly two years later, I went to my
Eh, Define “War Crime”
I will not lie, it is ridiculously hot in L.A at the moment. Record temperatures I do believe, so finding the energy to stand, never mind write, is tough enough. I will plough on though, can’t let down my two fans! (Wrong fans I know but its too hot to think straight. You might say
$15 For 12 Hours Work? Wuu!
After being delighted with myself and pumped after job number one (rocking out my gym as the new, unpaid DJ), it was time to rush home and get ready to start my second new job of the day, I was putting in the double shift already! Job number two involved me being a Shamwow salesman, although the
A Toothbrush Away From A Great, Great Day!
Finally, a day to write home about. Today has been a turn-up for the books – productive, full to the brim, and almost nothing weird or stupid happened. Almost. In L.A, it is all about the meetings. Meetings and projects. Everyone is having meetings, working on projects, or having meetings about projects. I too have
Poker With Slash? Jazz With Prince? I’ll Pass
My first few days back in L.A have been rocky to say the least. I was getting body blows from all angles. Firstly, I had to pay rent, blow to the stomach. Secondly, I now had to pay for the gym, that bastard, blow to the kidneys. All of this and still no job on