
Tags: Sister Act 2

I Am A Sex

Jan 28, 2011Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

Snake Charmer – Bag Raiders No doubt you will remember well from ages ago in the blog, I quoted a line from Whoopi in Sister Act 2. Remember that? Obviously. You know… “If you wake up thinking about singing, then you are a singer.” Whatever you think about all day is what you are, kind of

Eh, Define “War Crime”

Eh, Define “War Crime”

Apr 21, 2009LA Living0 Comments

I will not lie, it is ridiculously hot in L.A at the moment. Record temperatures I do believe, so finding the energy to stand, never mind write, is tough enough. I will plough on though, can’t let down my two fans! (Wrong fans I know but its too hot to think straight. You might say