
Tags: Spoof


Jul 20, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Randumb Book, Writing4 Comments

Big Bad Wolf – Duck Sauce Carmaggedon: Some spoof. Never seen the roads so quiet. Hollywood hype! Waste of a shotgun. End of the world will have to wait. Me: Some idiot. Have you ever tried to take shortcuts, even though you’ve never been in the place before? Some clown. Driving back from a gig

Mr Jones!

Oct 19, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

I realize I have an annoying problem. Well, one more to the list. Have you ever started something, then finished it just for the sake of finishing it? No other reason. You do not want to finish what you’ve started. But for some dumb reason, you feel like you have to. For example, you take


Sep 13, 2009Ireland, Music, Stand-Up2 Comments

Excluding a bit of gardening yesterday (well, pruning to be exact) the rest of my weekend has been worked around a couple of gigs. One stand-up in Dubla, then back down to Cork to DJ. Stand-up is the definitely the area where I tend to get a bit of nerves before going on. And the