
Tags: Starbucks

Weekend at Bernie’s

Weekend at Bernie’s

Sep 27, 2012LA Living, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Running Up That Hill (Louis La Roche Remix) – Kate Bush Some things in L.A appear will never change. Not unless I do, anyway. Such as, people calling me by the wrong name over and over. Ever growing list at this stage. The usuals still apply. Merrick. Eric. Omar. Moved on a lot to Merk.

Stand Under It? I Don’t… Oh Right.

Nov 18, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Something happened yesterday that still has me baffled. I don’t really know how it happened. Or if it was my fault or not. I just know that it happened. Don’t really understand it though. This has led to a flood of other things cropping up in my head which have occurred recently where even though

Tea Or Coffee?

Tea Or Coffee?

May 18, 2009LA Living0 Comments

Is anyone else this smart at times… You have somewhere you need to be, an important meeting lets say, but it could be anywhere. Being the smart person you are, you get up early that morning, get ready, plenty of time to spare, and you’re good to go. Say the meeting is at 11, lets